District Synod
District Synod The district synod is the parliament of the church district. It makes decisions that set the direction for the district, which are then implemented by the district church council. Its members include representatives of the congregations, full-time staff in the preaching ministry, and church organisations and institutions in the district. The synod has a total of 92 members who are elected or appointed for six years. It meets twice a year, in spring and autumn in Luckenwalde.

The district synod elects the presidium from its members, consisting of the president Pastor Nico Steffen (Teupitz) and the two vice-presidents: Kornelia Puls (Luckenwalde) and Uwe Schüler (Mahlow).
Ev. Kirchenkreis Zossen-Fläming
Kirchplatz 4, 15806 Zossen
Tel.: + 49 (0) 33 77 - 33 06 92 0
Mail: superintendentur@kkzf.de